Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The World Ablaze

Blind To Faith plays hardcore in the vein of Integrity, Ringworm, and Gehenna. Their first LP - which I hope is the first in a long series of releases - "The Seven Fat Years Are Over" was released back in 2009, courtesy of Holy Terror. The band's a super-group, featuring members of Amen Ra, Rise & Fall, and Reproach, and it clearly shows. Stijn, vocalist for Reproach, stays in that role, bringing an aggressive yet clear style to the table. For my money it's like a European Human Furnace (Keep in mind that the band is named after a Ringworm track).

A quick glance at the artwork will give you a perfect prelude to the music. The cover is a collage a la SKV, featuring Jim Jones, swastikas, and the KKK. It's pretty much an amalgamation of evil in the 20th century. To top things off, the band's logo - created by Dwid - is imposed in the background. I really dig artwork like this; I find myself finding new things every time I look at it. On the back, the tracks are listed in a cool, almost faded font. It's the same as Integrity's "The Blackest Curse" if you need a better visual. There is no lyric sheet, which is my only complaint regarding this release. Blind To Faith did post an insert on their site, which features the lyrics.

As soon as the first track starts, you are immersed in a world of hate and violence. Stijn spits the lyrics almost as in disgust. His vitriol, combined with the savage guitars and Nabbe's sharp drum work, create this black hole of utter brutality that lasts just under twenty minutes. Integrity and Ringworm may be clear influences, but there are hints of Eyehategod, Pulling Teeth, and even a little bit of Left For Dead. Tracks range from short, intense bursts to slower jams such as the excellent "Mountains Of Gold". It's pure and the perfect showcase of life's depravity and violence.

Blind To Faith remained quiet until this past summer when a split with the Infamous Gehenna came to light via A389. They released two new tracks; "RJ" featured Stephen Kickback's signature tortured vocals whilst "Icon" continues down the same path as the LP. In the span of a mere ten tracks, this band is one of my most listened to. There is a level of such disgust and anger in these two recordings that is absolutely mind-blowing. Back to back, it's like being hit by a Mack truck and dragged across a street covered in barb-wire.

This band needs to release another record... soon. If you don't like vinyl - shame on you - this is available to download off the Holy Terror page. The Gehenna split is available only on vinyl - no download card was made for the release*.

As they say in "Mountains Of Gold": "I see the roaches and the snakes. They crawl around my feet. My world burns at the stake."

*Like everything else, this is available in a digital format on a host of blogs, but even a 320/FLAC rip doesn't do the album justice. If you want to experience just how psychedelic Gehenna's side is, buy it.


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