Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hordes is just one of many bands from California that've made it into the daily play-list. The band hasn't released any vinyl - yet - but have put their demo up for download. You get seven tracks of aggressive hardcore that fans of Judas, Infest, and Extortion shouldn't sleep on.

The demo's opening track "Alucarda" starts with a healthy amount of feedback before venturing into a heavy instrumental track. Things are turned up to eleven as "Solace" begins. Harsh vocals dominate a majority of the number but it has a nice rhythm and some catchy - but not out of place - guitar work. I really like the conglomeration of near power-violence and hardcore. Hordes isn't afraid to stray from the thirty second song blue-print, which is a good thing in my book. Make no mistake, these aren't Caulfield long tracks.

Hordes powers through another five tracks, including personal favorites "Pitiful Existence" and "Essence Of Stone". I really dig this demo; I find the band reminds me of Judas, especially with the mix of grooves and audio violence. There is no five-minute jam session on this demo though.

You should be able to score a hard copy of this demo directly from the band but if digital tunes is your thing, check out their site or bandcamp and download this beast free of charge. While you're on the site, there's a great video of the band's first show. Hopefully I'll be able to hear this band on vinyl soon.

There are a handful of upcoming shows, including gigs with The Love Below, Seven Sisters Of Sleep, and Vaccine. Definitely check them out.


As a quick side note, I will be doing reviews for the excellent Halifax Collect. Check it out if you dig good tunes. The first article is up on the site now - Sargeist's "Let The Devil In". Bookmark it.


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